and wat is the date for 2day : 22nd JULY..
gosh... i've promised to post bout her bday celbration for sodamnlong ago!!!
with a slice of choc cake, wendys made bday card + pressie, steph's pressie and nottoforget EjinQ's handmade moo-moo-COW-burfdayCard. . .
evryone was in pyjamas: sleepy mode X-X
the last mins yet CHUN bday card by w3ndy to this bday gal!
she will keep an eye whenever she saw MooooMooo stuffs.. i thin she is jus deeply in love with mooo w.o realising, but she kept denying tht! haha..
how bout Fernleaf's product?Does she love tht? gt no idea.a slice of ChocCake - ChopCake - ChupCake
And HERE WE ARE for next next- is same day morning!
woke up at 11++am.. straightaway go her hse.
DressUp-MakeUp-CrappingAround-Camwhoring-GetReady & Go.
definitlely wont miss out any single secs to camwhore! girls nature, i guess?
hairdo by hairstylists wendy & steph.
any comment(s)?
we went all the way to times square.
loitered time jus for THE NITE!
Finally, itwas nite time!
but steph and snee shop shop shop till forget bout the time!
iloveshopping but i dotake good care of my stomachtoo! i'm so easily get hungry one!
wanted to go StarHill as what've planned.
but somehow we walked to TheShip.
i missed tht place somuch, so i suggested it to be the venue instead of going Starhill.
Hi to TheShip Jalan Sultan Ismail (notsure the street namelah)after so long.
the last time i went was cheryl's 17th bday celebration?
We brought our ChocCake to THeshipp.
The waiters served her cake from back,
she was indeed SHOCKED!
Nice shot! pretty and sexxay
Feed Her. Feed me. Feed Evryone with ur favourite Choc Cake!
Jinq and his orchestra gUru.
This guru paid us a treat in TheShip!damnrich.
so Snee's pcket was SAFE! she owes us a treat! xd
We soaked our legsss in the baby pool.
Chit-Chatted for 2 hours.
it wont be neglected - camera.
people,Use camera more often pls!
Love yourself & let camera be ur loved ones ! crapzzzz..
i;msleepy.rite nw!!
will be posting up leis bday, lagoon, lotsa more vry soon!
yes,hope thti can squeeze time for blogging.
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